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Baby Logic

Lecture Notes

An introductory book built upon several lectures about baby logic.


12 April 2023, 16:12:46 +08:00



  1. 徐明, 2008. 符号逻辑讲义[M].武汉:武汉大学出版社.
  2. 胡龙彪,黄华新, 2006. 逻辑学教程[M].杭州:浙江大学出版社.


  1. 徐明, 2008. 符号逻辑讲义[M].武汉:武汉大学出版社.
  2. 胡龙彪,黄华新, 2006. 逻辑学教程[M].杭州:浙江大学出版社.
  3. 黄华新,张则幸, 2011. 逻辑学导论(第二版)[M].杭州:浙江大学出版社.
  4. 安德鲁·辛普森, 2005. 离散数学导学[M].冯速,译.北京:机械工业出版社.
  5. Tidman P, Kahane H, 2002. Logic and Philosophy : A Modern Introduction[M]. Ninth. Boston : Cengage Learning.
  6. Smith N J J, 2012. Logic : The Laws of Truth[M]. New Jersey : Princeton University Press.
  7. Copi I M, Cohen C, Rodych V, 2018. Introduction to Logic[M]. New York : Routledge.
  8. Bergmann M, Moor J, Nelson J, 2014. The Logic Book[M]. Sixth. New York : McGraw‑Hill.

其中,直接取自《符號邏輯講義》的材料最多,取自《邏輯學導論》較多,素樸集合論、表列演算則直接取自完全開源的 Open Logic Project 項目源碼。

  • 徐明, 2008. 符号逻辑讲义[M].武汉:武汉大学出版社.
  • 胡龙彪,黄华新, 2006. 逻辑学教程[M].杭州:浙江大学出版社.

This book is a work in progress. If you find issues, typos or relevant information to share with, anything is welcome and appreciated.

Learning features


Sometimes other fields might add interested value to the understanding of the computational biology area. This feature remarks some of them and aim to explain these intersections.


As you move forward in the computational biology field you will find that there are several tips and tricks (mainly from the command line) as well as some random CLI programs that can leverage your daily workflow as a researcher. Using this feature we highlight some of those that appeared to linger on the field.


To help you consolidate your understanding we end most chapters with important messages or concepts that help you evaluate yourself as you move forward on the lessons.


When experimenting with the CLI and many other computational tools it is common to face several known errors and drawbacks. Then, we present some of them and how to sort them out.


Since focused on a competences learning approach we have highlighted several real-life (but basic) challenges a researcher faces when approaching computational biology problem (from tool selection, usage and result analysis). Therefore the book section challenges presents a selection of these problems that will later be approached by a computational biology strategy (mainly from the CLI).

File format

As many analysis specialize on data analysis, many formats arise that optimize the processing steps or the data storing steps. Some of these formats are keystones of bioinformatic analyses. We present examples of some formats an describe its main elements.

Notation 備註

Mathematical notations