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👨李梅亭 · · · 🔢 437 words· ⏲️ 1 min read ·🏄 ... visitors ·👀 ... views

Wyld’s dictionary is known for its comprehensive coverage of regional dialects and slang, making it a valuable resource for anyone studying the historical development and evolution of the English language. It also contains many entries on archaic and obsolete words, which can be useful for researchers and scholars in fields such as literature, history, and linguistics. If you are interested in studying the historical development of the English language or need to look up archaic and obscure words, Wyld’s dictionary may be more useful.

“The Universal Dictionary of the English Language” 是由英國作家和編輯者Wyld編輯的一本英語詞典。這本詞典的編輯特色包括以下幾點:


  1. 詞條解釋精確:詞條的解釋精確明確,編輯用簡潔的語言來解釋詞條的意義,使讀者易於理解。

  2. 詞條例句豐富:詞條附帶了豐富的例句,使讀者能夠更好地理解單詞的用法和上下文。

  3. 詞源分析深入:詞典詳細分析了單詞的起源、演變和用法,以及歷史背景和文化涵義,尤其是那些有趣的單詞和詞語。

  4. 詞條編排組織有序:詞條按照字母順序排列,並根據詞類和意義進行分類,使讀者能夠更輕松地找到所需的單詞。

總之,Wyld 的 “The Universal Dictionary of the English Language” 以其詞條收錄廣泛、解釋精確、例句豐富、詞源分析深入和編排組織有序等特色,成為了一本極具價值和權威性的英語詞典。

The article was recently updated on Monday, October 23, 2023, 11:16:23 by 👩 高松年.

